IBC Legal Services professionals were selected by a major international retailer as chief advisers when entering the Ukrainian market

In the near future, a new big player will appear on the Ukrainian textile and accessories market, which is already known in more than 25 countries and has a market share of just a little less than 500 stores around the world.
The decision has already been taken and the investment process has started, and its full organization is entrusted to the IBC Legal Services team.
"We have been working in retailing for more than 10 years, constantly providing services to a significant number of clients operating in this market segment. This is not only about retail sales, but also about full business support, ranging from placement of investments, to settlement of disputes with consumers. We are confident that with our help the opening of the Ukrainian office will be quick and easy for the company. We will be able to organize business in Ukraine efficiently and with high quality and we hope that consumers will soon be able to see new brand in the largest shopping malls in Kiev", says Mykhailo Kocherov, a partner of the IBC Legal Services.